Sunday 11 October 2015

Types Of Computers

There are a few types of computers with different characteristics.

 Lets watch the video to see the types of computers with their characteristics.

Friday 2 October 2015

Advantages And Disadvantages Of IT

Advantages of Information Technology: 



  •  Easier Communication


With the help of information technology, communication has also become cheaper, quicker, and more efficient. We can now communicate with anyone around the world through email, or using the social network services (Face book, Twitter, Instagram).

  •  Creation Of New Jobs

Creation of new and interesting jobs such as Computer Programmers, Syastem analyzers, software and hardware developers, and web designers are examples of new job opportunities that's created  by the existance of informtation technology.


  • Globalization Knowledge
With the help of information technology,today we can use the internet to get the latest news from any country on the globe. Services like Twitter and Wikipedia are well equipped with data on about everything. 

Disadvantages Of Information Technology:

  • Social Implications 

With the increased addiction to social networks and internet games, people are spending more time on computers and give up on their normal life. 

  • Over dependence on information  technology makes students less active and innovative. 

Students no longer take time to solve problems and tasks, all they do is query that task in a search engine and a solution will be provided.

  • Unemployment

Information Technology has replaced most positions which humans used to take up. Accounting is now being done by software, so accountants run out of opportunities.